Seoul Sensation - Day Two (Part 2/2)

When we were in Korea, we noticed that every restaurant/ hotel/ park has its own mineral water vending machine.. its free of charge.. ada air sejuk dan panas.. the best part was (to me) the thin-paper-cum-cup yang digunakan untuk tadah air minum.. so environmental friendly and space saving.. brilliant!

Take one of those thin papers.. kembangkan.. and its ready to use.. so easy. Tapi paper cup nya comey je. Untuk yang kehausan tu, maybe perlu 10 kali refill.. :-)

Then, we went to Seoul International Mosque in Itaewon Street for Zohor and Asar prayer. The one and only mosque in Seoul. Located at the uphill side of Itaewon. Sakit kaki to climb up but its so worth it. Such a wonderful feeling to see this beautiful mosque. Alhamdullillah.. Subhanallah..

Lunch at Muslim Restaurant, Itaewon Street. Sejuk2 kat Korea nih jadi cepat lapar la pulak. Sampai terlupa nak amik gambar restaurant dan juadah2 nya.

But, on the way to our next destination, we passed by this 'Ankara Picnic' Halal Restaurant in Itaewon Street. Jual kebab panas2. I think its good coz so many peeps lined up in front of their resto to get the taste of their kebabs. Went there to get some kebabs on our last day (saja nak rasa) tapi tak sempat, kedai dah tutup.

Next we went to MBC Drama Filming Studio in Yangju Theme Park. Famous for its outdoor shooting site for the popular 'Jewel in the Palace' drama. Not so much to see here actually. Sesuai untuk photography session dan posing2 je kot.

Its kinda boring, i think. Maybe I'm not a fan of this drama. Kalau tempat shooting drama 'Boys Over Flowers' tu syok la jugak. Lagi best kalau dapat jumpa actors nya. Ada yg tak nak balik Malaysia pulak. Tapi, walau tak berapa gemar tempat ni, tetap layannn.. tetap bergambar di mana ceruk dan celah yang boleh.
Found a cherry blossom tree... full bloom.. so beautiful!! Subhanallah.. Tetap ambil gambar sendiri, coz my mom not so IT savvy person.. terpaksa la posing and ambil gambar sendiri.. kesian dia..
. Then we went to Vegetarian and Seafood Restaurant for dinner in Yangju. Kinda difficult to have muslim/halal resto in this province. So we had to dine in this resto as an alternative. Its alright for us. We've got our Serunding with us. Serunding + hot plain rice + windy and cold weather = yum! Or masitta in Korean.
.This is our dinner. Actually kat tengah2 tu ada ikan bakar. Panas2. Tak sempat amik gambar jugak sbb dah kelaparan. Plus, ada side dishes mcm kimchi (wajib ada - sepanjang 6 hari di Korea, lauk tu wajib ada atas meja makan diaorg), seaweed (nori utk balut sushi tu, sedap) dan sayur2 lain. Thats why Korean kurus2 je. Makanan depa kurang minyak, kurang garam, kurang gula dan kurang rasa.. hehee.. Anyway, sedap jugak tau sekali sekala makan mcm tu.. seriously.. i said 'sekali sekala', thank u..

Beautiful scenary in front of the restaurant. So peaceful. Banyak mountain sekitarnya. Udara nyaman dan segar. Ramai juga warga Korean yang agak kaya tinggal di sekitar kawasan pergunungan nih - just for the air and breeze yg nyaman.
We checked in Evergreen Hotel, Yangju. Nice hotel. Surrounded by all the mountains. So beautiful. Rasa mcm di Genting Highlands pun ada.

That was the end of our 2nd day in Korea. Kaki dah sakit so we need more rest to start fresh next day. Sekitar Yangju ni ada juga recreational park/ amusement park yang dibuka waktu malam untuk dilawati (sendiri). Tapi malam tu, kami rest dalam hotel dan berposing2 sekitar hotel saja.
To be continued...

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